Tuesday, December 21, 2010

"Of Penguins and People"

I was reading about social businesses in Creating a World Without Poverty by Muhammad Yunus (CLICK HERE) this morning and it reminded me of what penguins do to survive through the harsh winter of Antarctica.

A series called Planet Earth (CLICK HERE) on the Discovery channel shows how penguins deal with four months of extreme winter weather. The females head for the ocean in search for food leaving the males behind with the task of protecting the egg. The scheme that the penguins come up with is quite fascinating! They form a big tight circle that rotates ensuring that the penguins on the perimeter move towards the center and vice versa. This allows them to preserve valuable body heat.

This in turn reminded me of a bar scene in the movie A Beautiful Mind (video below) where John Nash (Russell Crowe)  says--  “The best result will come where everyone in the group doing what’s best for themselves and the group.”

Instead of extremes the best outcome might be a middle ground-- where market based practices are conducted with social benefit in mind.
Should we call it Buddhanomics?

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